Does it really matter if Jesus rose from the grave?

March 2024
Steve Russo
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most significant event in human history. It has awesome possibilities for our lives on this planet and for eternity. But so many people today don’t understand its significance. The resurrection shook the foundations of human history – has it shaken yours?
Skeptics ask: “Does it really matter if Jesus rose from the dead? Can it really make a difference in my life?” The answer’s found in the Biblical account of the very first Easter morning.
When a couple female followers of Jesus went to his tomb early Sunday morning they found the stone covering the entrance had been rolled away and his body was gone. Two men appeared to them in ‘dazzling robes’ and said, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!”
Luke 24:5-6 (NLT)
The meaning of the resurrection for you is determined by how you personally answer the same question: “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive?”
Lots of people spend time looking for meaning and purpose in life in the wrong places – dead ones that our culture offers. Films, music, TV shows, books and web sites are filled with advice on how to get the most out of life. But purpose in life isn’t found in beauty, power, or money. Jesus is the only one who can satisfy and give your life purpose.
Because Jesus conquered death we can be forgiven for our sin, receive a new quality of life and a new power for living. It’s the same power that brought Jesus back to life from the grave and is available to help us face the challenges of life.
The resurrection also gives us hope – a huge need with people of all ages today. In spite of what’s going on in the world or our personal life, we can be optimistic if we’ve decided to live our lives for and like Jesus. Our hope is found in Him (Psalm 62:5).
Has the resurrection changed your life? It can & will – if you put your faith and trust in Jesus.
Steve Russo is an internationally-known communicator, best-selling author, professional drummer and host of the internationally syndicated daily radio feature Real Answers. He’s also the host of Utalk – an innovative radio/podcast and TV show for teens and young adults. He’s been a featured speaker for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and co-hosted “Life on the Edge Live!” Focus on the Family’s teen talk radio show. For more information about any of the media as well as Real Answers outreach events and resources: write to P.O. Box 1549, Ontario, California 91762; call 909-466-7060 or e-mail: Web site:
Copyright 2024 Steve Russo

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