Looking for Love

February 2024
Steve Russo
Have you ever noticed how people look for love in some of the craziest places?
Take Mary for example. She was driving to work on the freeway one day when she spotted Kevin, a Marine recruiter, three lanes over on the highway. “It was bumper to bumper traffic,” Mary said. “He got out of his car, crossed three lanes of backed up cars and handed me his business card. He was really cute.” They’ve been dating ever since.
Where do you find love? Have you discovered a significant relationship that gives you the security, significance and acceptance that you really want?
The love we all desire will never be found on the “freeways” of life. The unreserved, consistent, unselfish love we all long for can only be found in one place. The Bible teaches us that God is love and true love comes from Him (1 John 4:7-8). Without a personal relationship with God, through His son Jesus, we will never find the love we need to be fulfilled.
In every human heart there’s a hole that only God can fill. Has this hole been filled in your heart yet?
Because the quality of God’s love is so different than the human kind, it’s sometimes hard for us to understand. But once we begin to experience God’s love for ourselves, it will start dramatically transforming our relationships with others. And the best source we have for gaining an understanding of the nature of God’s love is found in His word.
The Bible describes God’s love as unfailing (Psalm 52:8), unconditional (John 3:16) and God’s love is also sacrificial (Romans 5:8). It’s difficult to comprehend how wide, how deep and how high God’s love is for each one of us (Ephesians3:18). Don’t forget – God loved you before you even turned to Him to receive His free gift of eternal life, forgiveness, hope and purpose.
Millions of people wander through life each day with deep desires that could be met if they would only spend less time looking for human companionship and more time seeking God.
Consider looking for love in the right place and you’ll never be sorry.
Steve Russo is an internationally-known communicator, best-selling author, professional drummer and host of the internationally syndicated daily radio feature Real Answers. He’s also the host of Utalk – an innovative radio/podcast and TV show for teens and young adults. He’s been a featured speaker for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and co-hosted “Life on the Edge Live!” Focus on the Family’s teen talk radio show. For more information about any of the media as well as Real Answers outreach events and resources: write to P.O. Box 1549, Ontario, California 91762; call 909-466-7060 or e-mail: russoteam@realanswers.com. Web site: realanswers.com.
Copyright 2024 Steve Russo

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